Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Notes For December 20 ,2010

$1.75 per lap or 20 laps for $30.00. How much per lap if you buy the $30.00 package?

30/20= $1.50

1 person buys 5 laps. 3 people buy 20 laps packages. Estimate then calculate the total cost.

$1.75= $2.00 $1.75*5= $8.75
5*2=10 3*$30.00= $90.00
3*30=90 $8.75+$90.00= $98.75

G.S.T =5% P.S.T= 7%

Calculate the tax on a t-shirt with a price tag of $15.00

5% +7% = 12%
The tax of the t-shirt is $1.8

40 shots 26 hits right in the bulls eye. Show the fractions, decimal, and percent.


Notes For December20 ,2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Here is Mr. Isfeld's notes
Express as fractions
0.7 = 7\10 - there is 1 place to the number ( 7 ) so there is one zero
0.67 = 67/100 - there is 2 places to the number ( 7 ) so there is 2 zeros

0 . 6555555 ... three dots mean the zeros go on forever !
Could it be written has 0.65 ( with the line on 6 and 5 ? )
os it true or false ? False because it's on both 6 and 5 it just needs to be on the 5 !
a / b , the top number means numerator and the bottom one means denominator
Numerator has to be a whole number so does the denominator
here is a video :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPaRKHDxFi4 Go here !
here is a http://themathgames.com/ website you can go to !

Remember that page 44-45 in your math homework book !

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fractions, Decimals and Percentage

Fraction- out of any whole number
Example: 1/2, 1/3, 2/7, 123/200

Decimal- out of 1
Example: o.5/1, 0.1/1, 0.001/1

Percent- always out of 100
Example: 50%, 75%

Here are some links to help you!
Fractions and Percentage link
Decimals link

Sorry I couldn't find a video!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chapter 3 review # 8-10

8.) Copy these line segments. Draw the perpendicular bisectors using two different methods . Measure the two parts of each bisected line segment. Record each set of measurements.

a.) I used a compass to find out the perpendicular bisector.

b.) I used a right triangle and a ruler.

9.) A support must be placed under the pool table at it's centre. Make a sketch of the pool table. Draw the position of the perpendicular support. Label the support and label the measures of the table lenghts on each side of the support.

*The lenght of the pool table is 3.5 cm and the width of the pool table is 8.5 cm.

10.) You draw a 30 cm line segment. You then draw a perpendicular bisector of one of the bisected line segments.

(*not exactly 30 cm. 30 cm is too long, that line segment is 14 cm)

a.) What is the lenght of the shortest line segment?

-The lenght of the shortest line segment is 3.5

b.)How does the length of the shortest line segment compare to the lenght of the original line segment?

-The shortest line segment is 'shorter' compared to the original line segment.

Here is a video about constructing a perpendicular bisector.

Chapter 3 Review # 11,12,13

Chapter 3 Review

A.) The angle is 36 Degrees,cut the angle in half,18 Degrees for a result

B.) The angle is 120 degrees


A.) 66 degrees

B.) you contruct an angle bisector of an 80 degree angle


A.) 20 degrees

B.) 1/4 of an original angle

Questions 16 and 17.

Question 16:

What is the area of each triangle?


The formula is Base x Height, divided by 2.
2 m x 6 m = 12 m

12 m ÷ 2 = 6 m

So the answer is 6 m ².


= 5.2 m, h
= 5.3 m

5.2 x 5.3 = 27.5

27.56 ÷
2 = 13.78 m

The answer: 13.78 m ²

Question 17:

Aleta has a pasture for her horses. The pasture runs alongside a creek as shown. What is the approximate area of the pasture? Explain how you determined show your answer.

1.1 km will be your base.
1.6 km will be your height.

1.1 x 1.6 = 1.76

1.76 ÷ 2 = 0.88

The answer: 0.88 km ². It is an app. answer because the creek is NOT straight.

Here is a video to help you find the area of a triangle.

Also, here is a link for you to play.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Here is Mr.Isfeld's Notes
Every triangle is half of a Parallelogram . We know the formula for the area of a triangle is half the area of a Parallelogram

Formula for area of a triangle is BASE TIMES HEIGHT DIVIDED BY 2

Hope this helps you ... sorry i didn't put a picture it didnt work and remeber to study for the test on Thursday , do pages 36 - 37 in your homework book

Friday, December 3, 2010

xbox live

xbox live is cool. you can talk to your firends on xbox live. you can play games with your fiends without being at there house.

by liam

Thursday, December 2, 2010

# 7-9 answer

7) a) 11x5=55 cm2
b) 9x7=63 cm2
c) 62.x3=18.6 cm2

8) a) 9x3=27 m2

9) A= bxh
3x4=12 m2

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Questions and Answers for # 10,11,12 and 13

10.Question: A parallelogram-shaped stripe is going to be painted on the wall of a daycare center. There is enough paint to make a stripe with an area of 9 m2. How high can the stripe be?
Answer: The height of the stripe can be 6 m. I got it by dividing 9 m to 1.5 m which the answer is 6 m.

With a ruler, measure the base and height of this parallelogram. Explain how you measured.
Answer: b= 1.5 cm , h= 2 cm. I measured the base by measuring the bottom part of the parallelogram which I got 1.5 cm. I measured the height by measuring the top to the bottom of the parallelogram which I got 2 cm.
B.)Question: What is the area?
Answer: The area of the parallelogram is 3 cm. How I got it is by multiplying b= 1.5 cm to h= 2 cm.
C.)Question: Use a different side of the parallelogram as the base. Determine the new height and calculate the area. How does this compare to your answer in b)?
Answer: I used the base as the height for B.) which I got 2 cm. I used the height as the base for B.) which I got 1.5 cm. Basically, I just change the position of the numbers which means that the parallelogram have 4 equal sides.

12.Question: Which of the two shapes shown below has a greater area? Explain your answer.
Answer: Shape A because the line is straighter or its more perpendicular to the base.

The spring thaw has caused a rectangular section of the schoolyard to flood. A
parallelogram-shaped wooden walkway is being placed over it as shown. The area of the walkway is 22 m2. How wide will the base of the walkway be in meters?
Answer: 2 m. How did I got it? is by dividing 22 m to 11 m which is equal to 2 m.


http://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/vol1/area_parallelogram.html I hope this link would help you practice more!


textbook questions4-6

4. Determine the area of each parallelogram. I drew the same shape again beside it so you can see it better.

Answer:a) A=bxh
b) A=bxh

These are the answers because for a) 4 cm is the base because the height which is 1 cm is perpendicular to the base. Then all you have to do it multiply 4 x 1= 4 then put centimeter squared which is just a little 2 after the cm. Then do the same thing for b.

5. Draw each of the following parallelograms on a centimeter grid paper. Use the formula to determine the area of each parallelogram.

Answer: This is the answer for a) because the height is 5 cm high and the base is 4 cm wide of the parallelogram.the dotted line is the 5 cm for height because the rule is that the height has to equal 90 degrees when it reaches the base. Just like how a parallelogram is counted as a rectangle also. Then I just multiplied 4 cm x 5 cm.

6. Draw each parallelogram on centimeter grid paper.Determine each area using the formula.

Answer:a) A=bxh
A=24cm2 I don;t think I need to explain again because by now you should know because this was the same thing we just did earlier.
b) A=bxh

Here is a link you can use to help you understand more.

I hope this helped you (:

# 1-3 Answers

1. A parallelogram and a rectangle are the same length at the sides.
2. She did not include the "0.5cm".
3. a) 3 cm2 b) 6 cm2

Hope this helps you!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Parallelogram- a four sided figure with opposite sides parallel and equal in length.

Note: Arrow means that the lines are parallel. ( one arrow is not same as two arrow)
[-] means that the lines are equal. ( one [-] is not equal with [=] )

Base- a side of a dimentional figure
- common symbol is "b"

Height- the perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite side
- common symbol is "h"

There are other kinds of parallelogram:
First is "rectangle"

Second is "square"

"Area of a Parallelogram"

base x height= area
b x h= area

For example:
Joey cut a shape of a parallelogram. The base is 6 cm and the height is 4 cm. What is the area of Joey's parallelogram?
Answer: The area of Joey's parallelogram is 24cm2.

Here is a website to help your learn more about parallelogram and how to find its area.

Here's a video to help you more:

I hope all this information help you understand more :) !

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Angle Bisectors

Angle Bisectors-Cuts an angle in half
Small circles are used to show angles are equal.

There are 3 methods to make an angle bisector.
Method 1-use a compass
1-Sharp point on the vertex
2-make an arc that intersects both rays of the angle ,label those intersections
3-from the two new intersections make two more arcs
4-with a ruler draw a line from the arc intersection to the vertex
5-that line in your angle bisector
IF you followed the instructions you should have the picture on the top right.

Method 2-use a protractor
1-measure the angle measurement by 2
2-divide the angle measurement by 2
3-mark the halfway point using the protractor
4-use a ruler to connect the halfway point to the vertex
5-that is your angle bisector

Method 3-Paper Folding
1-fold one ray directly onto the other ray
2-the crease is the angle bisector
Acute angle is less that 90°
Obtuse angle is more than 90° but less that 180°

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mr. Isfeld told us to make our own B.E.D.M.A.S. question using the numbers 1-9 and all the operations in B.E.D.M.A.S. The answer also has to be 7.

Here is my question.

(8÷2)+5-7x3÷7+9-8+4-1 raised to the exponent 5-2=

6+5-7x3÷7+9-8+4+1 raised to the exponent 5-2=












Nov. 22 Notes Perpendicular Bisector

Bi - two
Sect- cut

If you bisect a line segment you will create a perpendicular bisector

There are three (3) ways to construct a perpendicular bisector. Here are the following ways:

1st way: Using a compass

1. Draw a line segment

2.Sharp end of compass or point A

3.Make an are slightly larger than half the length of the line segment.

4. repeat the process from point B w/ the same sized

5. With a ruler join the two arc intersection with a straight line .

Here's a video and a picture of a finished perpendicular bisector:

2nd way: Using a right triangle

1. Draw a line segment

2. measure it with a ruler

3. divide the measurement by the half way point

4. use a right triangle to create a perpendicular line at the half way point.

This is how it works:

3rd way: Folding paper

1. line segment AB

2. fold the paper so point A falls right on top of point B

3. to crease is a perpendicular bisector

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Solution on: Make our own problem on B.E.D.M.A.S

This is the problem I did and the solution too.
That has B.E.D.M.A,S, 1-9 number on it and which is equal to 7.

BEDMAS Problem

Create a BEDMAS Problem using every numbers 1-9 with Brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition and subtraction. They must equal 7.

I hope it helps you.

Create a Problem

Create a BEDMAS problem using every number from 1-9, brackets, exponents, multiplication, division, adding, subtracting, and it must equal 7.

B.E.D.M.A.S question

Mr. Isfeld told us to create a B.E.D.M.A.S problem using the numbers from 1-9, with brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction. It must be equal to 7.

B.E.D.M.A.S question

Here is the problem I did using the numbers from 1-9 and B.E.D.M.A.S. The answer is 7.

B.E.D.M.A.S Question.

Here is my question I made to make it equal to 7.

BEDMAS Question

Here is a question that had to have all the rules of B.E.D.M.A.S and the answer had to be 7.

Here is my expression (:

Hope you understood how I did it (:

B.E.D.M.A.S.S Question

Mr.Isfeld gave us an assignment where we had to create a bedmass question that has the numbers 1-9, that has division, multiplication, subtraction and addition that equals 7. It took me awhile to get the answer but here it is!

My question is:
(8 ÷2)x9 ÷4+(7-6)-5+3-1
4x9 ÷4+(7-6)-5+3-1
4x9 ÷4+1-5+3-1
36 ÷4+1-5+3-1

B-Brackets ( )
E-Exponets *
D-Division (in order from left to right)
A-Adding (In order from left to right)

Create your own B.E.D.M.A.S. Question

Mr. Isfeld told us to make our own B.E.D.M.A.S. question using the numbers 1-9 and all the operations in B.E.D.M.A.S. The answer also has to be 7.

Here is my question.

I didn't put any link and video because Mr. Isfeld told us to only put our question and answer.

Sorry the picture was small. I didn't know it would be smaller when I put it here.

Anyways, I hope you understand!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Order of operation

Order of operation


( Division and Multiplication is order from left to right
(Addition and subtraction is order from left to right

Monday, November 8, 2010




Sunday, November 7, 2010

Order Of Operation-The Language Of Math

B-Brackets ( )
E-Exponets *
D-Division (in order from left to right)
A-Adding (In order from left to right)

Note:Division and Multiplication goes left to right and if you see the first number you divide it and after that you multiply it.


Order of operation- The Language Math



Division,Multiplication,Addition and Subtraction has to be in order from left to right.

1. Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7+6/2. She claims the answer is 3.85. Do you agree? Explain why or why not.

I don't agree because she used addition before multiplying. If we do the order of operation Multiplication should go first before Addition.

2. Put Brackets in the following expression to get the Largest value possible.What problem solving strategy did you see?


3. Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression. 2.5 + 1.25 + 5 x 1.6.


Order of operation-The language of math



Division,Multiply,Addition, and Subtraction is order from Left to right

( For Example )

2+3 *4


1.) Annie had been ask to calculate 1.7+6/2.She claims the answer is 3.85.Do you agree?Explain why or why not?

I do not agree because she use addition first before Multiply.If we use the order of operation Multiplication must be first to Addition.

2.) Put Brackets in the following expression to get the Largest value possible.What problem solving strategy did you see?


3.)Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression

(2.5+1.25)+(5 * 1.6)=
3.75+(5 * 1.6)=

Order of Operation- B.E.D.M.A.S.

B.E.D.M.A.S means....

B - racets ( )
E - xponents 2*
D - ivision
M - ultiplication
A - ddition
S - ubtraction

Division and multiplication, addition and subtarction are in order left to right.

Remember to follow the BEDMAS. "Step by step"

Problem and solution:

1.)Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7+6/2. She claims the answer is 3.85. Do you agree? Explain why or why not?

Annie is wrong because she added the numbers first then she divide it. She didn't follow the BEDMAS. The right answer is 4.7, here's how I got it.


2.)Put a brackets in the following expression to get the largest value possible. What Problem solving strategy did you use?

I used multiplication and division.





3.)Create a problem that could be solve using the following expression. 2.5+1.25+5x1.6

Clarice has $15.00. She went to SevenEleven and bought 5 medium Slurpee for her friends. Each Slurpee cost $1.60. She bought 2 large bag of chips which is cost 2.50. She wanted to buy donut, the donut cost 1.25. Does she have enough money to buy them all?

Yes, Clarice has enough to buy them all. Here's how I solve it.


Order of Operation- The Language of Math

B- Brackets
E- Exponents
M- Multiplication
D- Division
A- Addition
S- Subtraction
Multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction have to be in order from left to right.
  1. Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7+6/2. She claims the answer is 3.85. Do you agree? Explain why or why not.
I don't agree with her answer because she added first before multiplying. But if we follow order of operation, multiplication should be done first before addition.

2. Put brackets in the following expression to get the largest value possible. What problem solving strategy did you use? 3*2.8+6.4/4

3. Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression. 2.5+1.25+5*1.6

Here is a link that might help you.

B - brackets ( )
E - exponents a*
D -division } The same ( brother and sister ) in order from left to right
M - multiplication
A - addition + } The same ( brother and sister ) in order from left to right
S - subtraction

I Hope this helped you !

Order of Operations

The language of Math

B- Brackets ( )
E- Exponents a²
D-Division (Division and Multiplication are in order from left to right)
A-Addition (Addition and Subtraction are in order from left to right)


2 + 3 x 4 =

2 + 12=



1.Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7 + 6 ÷ 2. She claims that the answer is 3.85. Do you agree? Explain why or why not.

Answer: Annie is wrong because 4.7 is the right answer. This is how I got it.

1.7 + 6 ÷ 2 =

1.7 + 3 =


2.Put brackets in the following expression to get the largest value possible. What problem solving strategy did you use?

Answer: I used multiplication and division.


( 3 x 2.8 ) + 6.4 ÷ 4 =

8.4 + 6.4 ÷ 4 =

8.4 + 1.6 =

10 =


3 x 2.8 + ( 6.4 ÷ 4 ) =

3 x 2.8 + 1.6 =

8.4 + 1.6 =

10 =

3.Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression. 2.5 + 1.25 + 5 x 1.6

Problem: Nicole went out to buy candies. The gum cost $1.25, the chocolate cost $2.5 and 5 lollipops cost $1.6 each. Nicole has $13, does she have enough money?

You also try this link.