Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Variable - a letter that represents an unknown number.

ex. c, x, d, f

Expression - any single number or variable or a combination of operations (+,-,x,÷)

ex. 5, r, 8t, x+9, 2y-7

Value - a known or calculated amount.

Constant - a number that does not change.
- increases or decreases the value of an expression.

Numerical Coefficient - a number that multiplies or variable.

Here is an example:

Here is a video to help you if you don't understand what I did.
Sorry, I couldn't find a good game.


Integers - positive and negative whole numbers including zero.

ex. 1, 200000, 80, 400, 3000, -6, -50, -900, 100000.

Integers are NOT decimals, fractions, percent, and ratio.

Zero pairs - a pair of integers representing +1 and -1

ex. (+2) + (-2) = 0 (+13) + (-13) = 0

Predict the sum of any pair of opposite integers.
Opposite Integers - are two integers with the same numeral, but different signs.

ex. +1 and -1 or +123 and -123

Here is a link of a game that you can play and practice.
Here is a link of a video if you don't understand my explanation.

Notes on May 27,2011

Linear Relation - A pattern made by two sets of numbers that results in points along a straight line on a coordinate grid
Graph - a visual way to show how two sets of numbers relate to each other
Relationship - a pattern formed by two sets of numbers

An example of a linear relation is:

Variables and Expression

Variables - a letter that represents an unknown number
Expression - any single # or variable or a combination of operations involving numbers and variables
Value - a known or calculated amount
Constant - a number that doesn't change, increases or decreases the value of an expression

For example ( the picture ):

Here is a video to help you with your understanding.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Need help?

Here are some of the games to understand:

variables and expressions

patterns and expressions

and graph too..


Here are some of the videos to help you:

variable and expressions


Notes for May 27,2011

Linear Relation- A pattern made by two sets of numbers that results in points along a straight line on a coordinate grid.

Graph- a visual way to show how two sets of numbers relate to each other.

Relationship- a pattern formed by two sets of numbers.

1 right 3 up

3d= f

Notes for May 25,2011

c= cup

c + 3
Let say there are 6 counters in the cup

6 + 3
6 + 3= 9

^^^ That is an equation...


3c + 2

3(4) + 2

3 x 4 = 12

12+2= 14*

* over all marbles


Now try to answer this:

4 x + 3

x= 3


Table of Values- a table showing two sets of related numbers


how many squares in figure # 60?

Answer is 60= 121

x2+1 is the expression


2f+1= s

^^f= figure

model the expression

2y + 4 with cups and counters

then show if:

y= 1

y= 3


2y + 4=

2(1) + 4=



y= 3

2y + 4=





Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Notes for May 19,2011

Variable and Expressions

Variable- a letter that represents an unknown number.
For example: a, x, w

Expression- any single number or variable or a combination of operations (+, -, x, /) involving numbers and variables.
For example: 5, r, 8t, x+9, 2y-7

Value- a known or calculated amount.

Constant- a number that does not change
- increases or decreases the value of an expression

Numerical coefficient- a number that multiplies a variable.
For example:
Here is a LINK for practice.
Here is a VIDEO about variable and expressions.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Number of the Day (8-14)

The number of the day is 4582.197

8) Question: Write the power using the digit in the 100th place as the base and the digit in the 10s place as the exponent.

Answer: 98

9) Question: Write the above power in factored form.

Answer: 9x9x9x9x9x9x9x9x9=387420489 Remember: 98 Does NOT mean 9x8

10)Question: Cube the digit in the ones place.

Answer:To cube a digit you have to multiply LxHxW= N³ (number)
4582.197- 2x2x2=8³
11) Question: Square the digit in the hundreds place.

Answer: To square a digit you must multiply LxH= N² (number)
4582.197- 5x5= 25²
12) Question: Divide the number of the day by 3.55 and round to the nearest hundredth.

Answer: 1290.7597 You must raise the nine by one, because 7 is "5 and higher", which means you must make the nine a zero and add 1 to the 5. You will end up with the answer as 1290.760 or 1290.76
Remember: Here is a poem about rounding numbers; Find the number in its spot.
Go next door and see what you've got. 5 or more raise the score, 4 or less let it rest.

13) Question: The product of all the digit is.

Answer: 4x5x8x2x1x9x7= 20160

14) Question: List all the prime numbers in the number of the day.

Answer: 5,2,1, and 7
Remember: A Prime Number can only be divided by 1 and itself.

Here's a link to help you with squaring numbers. Hope it helps (:

Sorry I couldn't find a video and the colors wouldn't work.

REMEMBER to do pages 102- 103 in your math homework booklet.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Notes For May 2, 2011

- positive and negative whole numbers including zero
eg. 1, 7, 63, 23783457, -9, -985, -56422147, 0

Integers are not decimals, fractions, percent, ratio
eg. 65%, 7.6, 1:2, 3/4 are not integers

Zero pair
- a pair of integers representing +1 and -1
eg. + - this pair represents zero pair because (+1) + (-1)= 0

Examples of zero pair
(+2) + (-2)=0

(+3) + (-3)=0

Predict the sum of any pair of opposite integers.
Opposite integers are two integers with the same numeral, but different signs.
eg. +2 and -2 or +123 and -123

What if the negative comes first.
(-8) + (+8)= 0
It's still going to be zero.

Here is some problems for practice..

(+5) + (-1)=

(+15263) + (-15263)=

(-6) + (+8)=

Here is a link for you to practice adding integers

Here is a video about integers.