Monday, June 6, 2011

Notes for June 06, 2011

Measure of Central Tendency- a value that represents the centre of a data set.
- can be the mean, medi
an and mode.

Data set- is a group of numbers that you mus
t arrange in order from least to greatest.
e.i 2,4,3,5,3,4,5,5,6,4,5,3,7,34,5,6

arrange from least to greatest: 2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,7,34

Note: Before you find the Median, Me
an or Mode be sure that you arranged it from least to greatest.

Median- the middle number in a set of data after the data have been arranged in order.

If you left with two numbers you need to add them and divide them to get the median.

Mode- the most frequently occurring number in a set of data.
- mode and most have both 4 letters.
mode of 3,5,7,7,9 is 7 because 7 appeare
d the most.
mode of 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4 is 1,2 and 3 because they appeared the most.
mode of 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3 is no mode b
ecause they`re all last or second place.

Mean- a measure of central tendency.
- the sum of a set of values divided by the number of values in a set.

Range- the positive differences between the largest and smallest values in a data set.

Outlier- a value that is much larger or smaller than the other data value.
- the data set may have more than 1 outlier or zero outlier.

1,67,68,64,65,100 are 1 and 100 because the rest of them starts with 6 except for 1 and 100.

Here`s our homework for those who did not write it.

Find mean, median, mode, range and outliers.

Here`s a link to help you practice for mean, median, mode, range and outliers.

I also found a video to help you understand all about our lesson.

I hope this little information help you! :D


daphne906 said...

Hey Tinille! Wow! Amazing Job! I really liked how you added pictures and explained your information really well. It's also nice that you bolded on the important parts. I REALLY liked your video. It's also nice that you added a link to support your blog, Great Work! :)

Mary816 said...

Excellent Job! I like how you made everything really clear to see, I also liked your video. Good job !

norien873 said...

Good job Tinille! I liked how you had the examples from our notes on your scribe post. I also liked the video you have, it is very catchy. (:

Carlor 8-14 said...

Wonderful! I think you have everything- you put some effort in your pictures which made them really cool, you video is awesome and your link really supports your blog.

Isabel873 said...

Good job Tinille!! I really like your pictures and I like how you made the important words in bold letters :)It is really nice when you made up your own examples for your pictures. Good job :)

Jackie8-16 said...

Superb job Tinille!!! I liked how you gave all the requirements to a scribe post. I liked especially when you made your own pictures to you blog. This was a very well put together scribe post keep up the good work.!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Good job Tinille I like your pictures and video! Good job!