Sunday, March 20, 2011

Adding Mixed Numbers

Mixed number is a whole and a proper fraction.
          eg. 1 1/4  , 2 1/3, 3 5/6

Improper Fraction- Fraction with a greater numerator than denomenator.

         eg. 6/2, 5/4, 4/3, 12/8

Monday, March 7, 2011

Subtracting Like Denominators

*Subtracting Like Denominators*

When you are subtracting like denominators you subtract the numerators and not the denominators, so the denominator will stay the same.

For example

2/3-1/3=1/3 because 2-1=1 then you leave the denominator the same.

5/6-1/6=4/6 you can't just leave this fraction the same because you can still simplify it.

You simplify until both numbers can not be divisible by the same number.

Or find the greatest common factor for both numbers and divide the numerator and denominator by it.

So 4/6 will be 2/3 because the greatest common factor is 2.

Try these questions for practice :D Simplify them if they can be simplified.




*Answers to see if your wrong or not :D*

*GCF* stands for greatest common factor.

Here is a link and video to help you :D
CLICK ON THIS FACE ^_^ to see the video
CLICK ON THIS FACE XD to see the link :D I hope this helped you XDD