Friday, October 15, 2010

The Cartesian Plane

The Cartesian Plane is a grid paper that can be used in math. It is good for all sorts of reasons, like it is good for figuring out where a dot or a fly can be. Which number is it lying on? Which quadrant is it on? You will learn it in the video you watch.

This is an example of a grid paper which is called a Cartesian Plane:

There are two long lines you should see on the grid. One of them is the one going from top to bottom. That is called The Vertical Line. The Vertical Line is called the Y-Axis on the Cartesian Plane. The other long line is going from left to right, that line is called The Horizontal Line. The Horizontal line is called the X-Axis on the Cartesian Plane.

In the middle of the Cartesian grid paper, it is called the Origin. The Origin would be the number (0,0). On the Horizontal Line and Vertical Line, you can see numbers on them, just like a number line.

Like for example, the dot would be on the Origin, move it to the left of the grid and add the dot on number -4. now the dot is on (-4,0). Move the dot again up 2, the dot will now be on (-4,2). Look at the Vertical line, the dot is on the number 2 on the vertical line, and the number -4 is on the horizontal line.

If you still have trouble with it, feel free to watch this video:


CarloS8-16 said...
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liam873 said...

I like the viedo and the game there are very fun

liam873 said...

I like the viedo and the game there are very fun

liam873 said...

I like the viedo and the game there are very fun

liam873 said...

I like the viedo and the game there are very fun

liam873 said...

I like the viedo and the game there are very fun