Monday, May 30, 2011

Notes for May 25,2011

c= cup

c + 3
Let say there are 6 counters in the cup

6 + 3
6 + 3= 9

^^^ That is an equation...


3c + 2

3(4) + 2

3 x 4 = 12

12+2= 14*

* over all marbles


Now try to answer this:

4 x + 3

x= 3


Table of Values- a table showing two sets of related numbers


how many squares in figure # 60?

Answer is 60= 121

x2+1 is the expression


2f+1= s

^^f= figure

model the expression

2y + 4 with cups and counters

then show if:

y= 1

y= 3


2y + 4=

2(1) + 4=



y= 3

2y + 4=






Jackie8-16 said...

Great job Kim!!! I liked how you made the text different color!. I also liked how you gave pictures to go along with your notes and how you gave us questions to help us practice and also how you gave the answers to your question. Great job!!!!!

Aicelle817 said...

Good job! I liked how you explained us how you got the answer. I also liked how you made your text different.

norien873 said...

Good job Kim! I liked the colourful text and pictures. I also liked how you had the examples from our notes on your scribe post. Next time you might want to find a link or video though. Overall, great job! Keep it up!