Saturday, November 6, 2010


B: brackets ( )
E: exponents
D: divsion
In order from left to right. Doesn't matter whether multiplication or division first
M: multiplication
A: addtion
In order from left to right. Doesn't matter whether addition or subraction first
S: subtraction

E.g #5

(64-32x2)+(22-3to the power of 2)=
(64-64)+(22-3to the power of 2)=
0+(22-3to the power of 2)=

Click on this link to see video

Here is a link that will give you some questions for bedmas.

1.) Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7 + 6 / 2. She claims the answer is 3.85. Do you agree? Explain why or why not?

Answer: No. This is the real answer and how to do it.

=4.7 <---- Answer

2.) Put brackets in the following expression to get the largest value possible. What problem solving strategy did you use? 3 x 2.8 + 6.4 /4


3.) Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression. 2.5 + 1.25 + 5 x 1.6.

Billy wanted to beat the record of the fastest person to eat a whole cake under 15 minutes for every layer of the cake. The cake had three layers. His first try he got 2.5 mins. His 2nd try he got 1.25 mins. His third try he got to 5x1.6. Does he beat the record?

My Answer: Yes he does beat the record. This is how.

=11.75 mins



Jeremy814 said...
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daphne906 said...

Nice Job! Your link gave me a good practice using BEDMAS, and I also like your question in #3, But you should have explained your answer more, But for the rest of them, Good Job!

Tinille8-73 said...

GreAT job ! YOur link is so cool and it helps. You might want to add a video next time :) but overall GOOD JOB jackie :)

joshL814 said...

I like how you explained bedmas. It really make sense. You have everything except for the image. Nice Job though!

Ian814 said...

Great job you might wanted to put a video.

Isabel873 said...

Good Job Jackie!!!! I really like the way you put the words in different color but next time you might want to put a video here's a video that you might like...

Janessa814 said...

Good job Jackie , I like how you put color in the body and how you explaned it ! But I thinm you should have put a youtube video ! Good job through !

Carlor 8-14 said...

Nice job! Your explanation is easy to understand and I like how you put colors in the important words it really make sense. I suggest you to add a video. Nice job through!

norien873 said...

Good job Jackie, but next time you might want to add a picture. I liked the video and the link that you put on your scribe-post, the link is really good and the video really made sense.