Monday, June 6, 2011

Measures of Central Tendency

Measures of Central Tendency- A value that represents the center of a data set.
3 types of data set - Mean,Median&Mode
Data set is a group of numbers that you must arrange in order from least to greatest.
Median- the middle number in a set of data, after the data have been arranged in order
How to get the median (Eliminate one from the left,eliminate one from the right)
Mode- the most frequently occurring number in a set of data
Mean - measure of central tendency. The sum of a set of values divided by the number of of values in the set.(add up all the numbers, divide that number by how many numbers there are)
Range- the positive difference between the largest to smallest values in a data set
Outlier- a value that is much larger or smaller than the other data value

Click here for the video


daphne906 said...

Nice Job! I liked how you changed the colors to make the important words pop up,it's also a good thing that you also explained some important parts as well, and I also liked the video. Here is a link you might want to add next time->

Tinille8-73 said...

Nice job Hendrix! I liked how you make the important words bold. Next time you should put pictures, video, and link to make your blog more interesting but good job!

Mary816 said...

Nice job, I like how you made some of the words in bold to show that they're important, next time, what you should do is add a a video, but good job!

norien873 said...

Nice job! I liked how you had some of your words bold and how you had them in different sizes. I also liked you video it is very interesting. Next time you might want to add some pictures and a link.

Carlor 8-14 said...

Good job Hendrix! You made important words bold, which is good. Your video is not boring and cool too!. I suggest you to add pictures or links to support your information.

Anonymous said...

Good job Hendrix! i like that you explained the measures of central tendency. I also like that you made the important word appear by making them different colours and you gave video. But next time, put a link and pictures. Good job in overall.

Jackie8-16 said...

Great job Hendrix! I liked how you explained everything clearly and made words that are important bold or in different colours! I think you could of added a picture, link and video to help explain your scribe post better. Overall great job!! :)