Friday, June 3, 2011

Notes for May 19, May 27, and June 1

Variables and Expressions

- a letter that represent an unknown number.
i.e ( x, A, n) could be any number.

Expression- any single number or variable or a combination of operations. (÷, +, - and x) involving numbers and variables.
i.e ( 5, r, 8t, x+9, 2y-7)

Value- a known or calculated amount.

Constant- a number that does not change.
- increases or decreases the value of an expression.

Numerical Coefficient- a number that multiplies a variable.

Linear Relationship- a pattern made by two sets of numbers that results in points a long a straight line on a coordinate grid.

Graph- a visual way to show how to sets of numbers relate to each other.

Relationship- a pattern formed by two sets of numbers.


Equation- mathematical statement with two expressions that have the same value.
example: x+2=3 y-7= (-4) 3a-2= a+2

NOTE: Whatever you do to the right do it to the left. To make them balance.

Check: 4c-3=17
17=17 check

Here's a link to help you learn algebra.

Here's a video for you to watch and to learn more about algebra.

I hope this information help you! :D


Tinille8-73 said...

Im sorry, I did put colours in but then when it appeard the colours aren't there.

Anonymous said...

Good job Tinille!! I like that you put pictures, video and link. I like that you made the important words different color. Good job.

Jackie8-16 said...

Great job Tinille!!!! :D I liked how you gave clear explanations, video, link and examples to your scribe post. I liked how you mainly did everything needed to a scribe post. I like how in your pictures you made the important steps pink so it will stand out and it tells us that its important. Overall fabulous job!!!!!!!! :D Keep up the fantastic work!!! :D

daphne906 said...

Nice Job Tinille!! I like how you explained it very well. It's also nice that you gave us links, videos and images to help us understand better. Great Job! :)

Kimg817 said...

Great Job Tinille ! i like everything that you have done on your blog! Keep up the good work!

norien873 said...

Excellent job Tinille! I liked all your pictures and how some are different colours to make it stand out more, it really looks organized and easy to read. I also liked how you had some words in bold, even though you didn't have any colours! Keep up the great work ! (:

Jeremy814 said...

Good job Tinille! I liked your pictures and it's well organized, which made it easier to understand. Good job! Keep it up.